2006년 07월 20일_WBKL final 1st round

Posted 2008. 8. 21. 18:53, Filed under: Ex-Homepage/Diary
 오승민 [기여도 4 20.4%] 2006년 07월 20일( 비 ), Hit : 2
SUBJECT WKBL final 1st round
I went to YOOKWANSOON sports complex with Kihyun and Hansol today to see the WKBL final.
Like what I thought before, I couldn't find somebody to go there. Anyway, after eating lunch, we took a ride on a bus to there and passed by the Cheonan city hall, then got there.

It's starting the game right before and the small rain too.

Ticket's 5000 won per each, and we ran into the stadium. There're some people for the supporters' seat and they wore the uniform of there company, samsung insurance & KB bank. I could see some people around the floor, but they looked too old or too young to see. Actually, I found several familiy members but a few.

It's quite irony cause we took a seat just before the players between about 1 meter. We paid only 5000 won for this game?(I booked the WBC game next month by paying about 150000 won for the same seat today!

Byun HyunAh's good today and everybody did her best. Furthermore, we're viewed by TV cameras so many times for our position. We sent some SMS to our club members and they replied that they saw us on TV at that time. Wow.

After seeing that game so enthusiastically with my friends, we came back to Yauri and Kihyun & I took a bus to Seoul and Hansol went to school for preparing the opera at CMF.

That's good experience today.
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