오승민 [기여도 4 20.4%] 2006년 07월 21일( 흐린 후 맑아짐 ), Hit : 3
SUBJECT I lost my backpack at Yonsei Uni. today. What the..!
I went to Yonsei university today for playing basketball with RIOT members.
Actually, mom said in the morning that she had a bad dream about me, so I a little hesitated but I went.
Cause some guys' from Ansan and Suwon, so I did not want to miss that place.

We played so good today. The chemistry was good enough to beat some teams!

However, someone took my bag!!! my wallet, my key, my bag, my glasses, my lens kit, my cell phone, etc.

I was depressed at that time, but soon I got back to real world. That's not in front of the medical school. That's just one place which everybody can visit and play! So I should have watched out my belongs!

I can learn good stuffs today(but...but it's too hard to reissue my cards and ID, and buy some stuffs like mp3 player for me.T T)

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