
2006년 07월 25일_Volunteering Interview

JJBA 2008. 8. 21. 18:58
 오승민 [기여도 4 20.4%] 2006년 07월 25일( 맑음 ), Hit : 3
SUBJECT Volunteering Interview
The driver's license stuff was done than I expected, I stopped by the Coex mall including the Bandi&Lunies, Irivers', Kosneys and so on(It took a 30 min. to complete the new driver's license! Korea's going to be good!).

In the end, I went there around 6 PM. It's not that big, but some people in there were using English a little. Anyway, I was wandering around the entrance cause nobody guided me for 20 minutes, then I went to the conf. room with another voluteer wannabes.

The clerk explained the position and jobs about the communicator, media ctr. position and HQ details. And then he questioned in English about the contribution of us to their company via those voluteering and what we wanted to do at the company. Surely, we responsed in English also.

Two guys of 4(we're four until the late girl came) were speaking English fluently. They're from states and one's a university student in USA. Like other high or jr. high school student in states, they said about the volunteering for the disabled person. Actually, they are younger than me, but they also liked the NBA and so wanted the communicator position of US team.

Communicator means that he can translate whatever the team want to do and so forth. It sounds like the professional interpreter I thought. So I asked them what the exact working of communicator is. However, they said to me, "Don't push yourself. It's not the professional's one. It just helps the situation which it is needed."

Finally, we 4 guys talked about the priorities that we wanted to do during the period.

I said first, the MC working. That's inside stuffs and at least not that hot in August. Well, I can't make sure that I can do the proper working as a communicator with US team. So I put the 1st priority into the media center job.

However, I finally said to them, "Anything is possible."

They said they'll send email to those who passed the interview in two days.

It's good experience to study English for myself in lonely room in Cheoan. That's no obstacles to listen to the CNN, Discovery, Onstyle and Arirang TV. I could speak loud and clear in my mute microphone in 3 days.

I had done my best in there(Hmm...relatively honestly^^;). So I don't have any regret for the result of my applying today.

All right. Then I am gonna study biology and basketball...and English...and...and...Wow!

I left lots of things to do and those are the "must-do"s.